Thursday, January 06, 2011

"Last Christmas, I gave you my heart. But the very next day, you gave it away. This year, to save me from tears, I'll give it to someone special."

I keep on singing this song unintentionally. As if it's really what me heart wants to say out loud. Maybe it's because it tells exactly what I'm feeling right now.

The previous month was indeed one of my saddest times of all. I felt lonely with my family away from me. I fell in love a couple of times, but neither of the two made me feel what I was supposed to feel.

This year, I'm hoping that I would be more careful as to who I give my heart to. I'm hoping that it'll be the right time for me to really be loved in return. It's been a while since I last felt deeply and madly in love to someone.

I don't know if I'm ready to give my heart to someone else this year, but we'll see.