Saturday, July 03, 2010

Soc.Psych Journal#1

Again, it's been a while since my last post. :|

Can't really manage to write a blog so often. *sigh*

Now here's a blog entry for my weekly Social Psychology Journal.


Subject: Journal (Psych5, Social Psychology)

Date: July 04, 2010.
Name: Narciso, Jeralyn Ritchelle C.
Topic/Lesson: Introduction to Social Psychology
Time: 2:30-5:30 P.M.


Journal #1.

Dear Reader,

Last Monday, we've finally met our Social Psychology professor. She was nice and I could say that she really knows what she's saying in front of the class. :)

The lesson focused on what Social Psychology is and some other factors related to it.

The class began with an introduction from all of us. Little did I know that she was already trying to observe our behavior and actually testing how we socialize. That's how she started relating the lesson to us.

I've learned that Social Psychology studies how we think about, influence and relate to one another. It's also an investigation on how individuals affect each other.

Aside from the technical meaning of Social Psychology, she also explained first impressions and the importance of it. Just like in an example she has cited, we should be careful on how we make an impression during a job interview. I agree, especially if there are hundreds of other applicants. We must try our best to make a positive impact.

Speaking of impressions, she made an activity for the class as well. She asked us to rate how we think about her in different aspects. On some, we based our answers using our impression of her. By the end of the activity, most of us had scores in the middle since we kind of played safe in answering the items. This only proved that there are really things we will only know once we get to spend some time with that person and know him/her better.

She also made me realize how being observant and analytic in a situation really make a difference. By giving more effort of observing what's happening around you, you can make better judgments and decisions.

The initial topic was really interesting. I hope the next ones would be the same way too. :)

That's all for now, Reader. I'm getting kind of sleepy now.

- Jeralyn Ritchelle C. Narciso aka Jelly

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